99+ Most Popular Emojis and Meanings

Most Popular Emojis and Meanings

Emojis have become an integral part of modern communication, enabling us to express our emotions and convey messages more effectively in a digital world. From smiley faces to animals, food, and everyday objects, there’s an emoji for every mood and situation.

With hundreds of emojis available on our devices, it can be overwhelming to navigate and understand their meanings. That’s why we’ve curated a list of the 100+ most popular emojis and their meanings, so you can easily decode and use them in your everyday conversations. Whether you’re new to emojis or a seasoned user, this guide will help you express yourself in a fun and meaningful way. So, grab your device, and let’s dive into the world of emojis!

List of Most Popular Emojis Explained

🙂Slightly Smiling FaceHappy, but often used ironically
😊Smiling Face with Smiling EyesSomething (or someone) is making you blush, gratefulness, satisfaction, or a general feeling of happiness.
☺️Smiling FaceHappy or positive
😃Smiling Face with Open MouthHappiness
😀Grinning FaceElevated happiness or pleasure
😂Face with Tears of JoyExtreme happiness or laughter
😄Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling EyesGreat happiness
🤣Rolling on the Floor LaughingWhen something is so funny that it makes you roll on the floor and laugh so hard that you cry.
🤗Smiling Face with Open Hands
(Hugging Face)
Feelings of thanks, support, care, affection, and gratitude, as well as other feelings of excitement and enthusiasm (jazz hands)
😅Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Cold SweatRelief, nerves, or excitement
😆Smiling Face with Open Mouth & Tightly-Closed EyesGreat excitement or happiness
😁Grinning Face with Smiling EyesGlowing, beaming happiness
😇Smiling Face with HaloAngelic or innocent
🌞Sun with FaceRadiant, happy, or positive
🙃Upside Down FaceSilliness, often used for irony or sarcasm
😭Loudly Crying FaceEmoji symbolizes sadness, but can also represent uncontrollable tears, perhaps due to sadness or joy
😮Face With Open Mouth (Surprised Face)
Visual depiction of “Oh my gosh!” or “No way!”—generally, any feeling of awe, surprise, or disbelief.
😱Face Screaming in FearShocked or Scream! Horror, fright, and intense excitement (both positive and negative)
🤯Shocked Face with Exploding Head Used for mind-blowing, but also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.
😛Stuck out tongueThis conveys a sense of excitement, fun
😜Face with Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking EyeFun, joking, or cheeky
🤭Face with Hand Over MouthLaughter or cheekiness
😉Winking FaceEmoji can be used to express a joke, being cheeky, ironic meaning, or flirting.
🤪Zany FaceSilly, fun, or goofy
🤑Money mouth faceThis emoji conveys the feeling of getting a good sum of money
🥵Hot FaceOverheating or flirty
😎Face Screaming in FearCool or confident, easy-going and carefree
🤓Nerd FaceIndicate excitement, intelligence, or an awkward mood.
🥳Partying FaceCelebrating good news, someone’s birthday, or a reason for a literal or figurative party.
🤐Zipper-Mouth Face “I’ll shut up now,” or “zip it.”
😬Grimacing FaceTense, nervous, or awkward
😐Neutral FaceNeutral, irritated, or unamused
😒Unamused FaceIrritation, grumpiness, annoyance and skepticism
😢Crying FaceUpset or in pain
😥Sad But Relieved Face Used to express concern, disappointment, or sympathy.
☹️Frowning FaceSad, concerned, or disappointed
😳Flushed FaceBlushing with embarrassment, shame, shyness, disbelief, amazement, shock, or surprise.
🤔Thinking FaceEmoji can be used to mull over ideas or be sarcastic manner.
🤫Shushing FaceExpress a secret or silence.
😩Weary FaceDistressed, frustrated, drained, or deep enjoyment
😌Relieved FaceContent or calm
🙄Face With Rolling EyesDisdain, boredom, disapproval, or frustration
😏Smirking FaceMischievous or flirting
😕Confused Face Sadness, disappointment, frustration, confusion, and hesitation.
😔Pensive FaceUsed to represent sadness, disappointment, regret, or loneliness.
🥺Pleading FaceAdoration, bashful, or pleading
😞Disappointed FaceDisappointed, upset, or remorse
😡Pouting Face (Enraged Face)The Pouting Face Emoji is a red-faced, angry-eyed emoji used to express anger or annoyance.
🤬Face with symbols on the mouthEmoji depicts vulgar behavior due to being too much furious at someone or something
😋Face Savoring Delicious FoodCheeky, poking fun or enjoying food
🤤Drooling FaceDesiring something or delirious
🤮Face VomitingThe barfing emoji is a great way to express disgust or feeling sick.
😷Face with medical maskWearing of a mask to protect from viruses and airborne diseases
🤒Face with thermometerSick person
🤕Face with head bandageBad head injury
🤧Sneezing faceThe emoji to use when someone has fallen sick and caught cold
🥴Woozy FaceDrunk, dazed, or confused
😑Expressionless FaceBored, indifferent, or pausing to collect thoughts
🥱Yawning faceUsed when someone’s feeling sleepy
😴Sleeping FaceTired, bored, or sign off at the end of a bedtime text session
🥵Overheated Face (Hot Face) Use it when hot yoga is difficult, waiting for news, or finding someone attractive.
😚Kissing Face With Closed EyesPuckering for a kiss
😘Face Throwing a KissKissing someone, or a general expression of love
🥰Smiling Face with HeartsLove or affection
😍Smiling Face with Heart-EyesLove or adoration
🤩Grinning Face with Star EyesUsed for something (or someone!) is amazing, exciting, or just pretty dang fabulous.
😈Smiling Face With HornsCheeky, naughty, or mischief
🤡Clown faceFor fun as well as Creepy or haunted
👽AlienA spooky face of an alien from outer space
🤦Face PalmFrustrated or dumbfounded, or “oh my God” or “sheesh.”
🤷ShrugIndifference or unknowing
🙋Happy Person Raising One HandWaving or asking a question
🙈See-No-Evil MonkeyHiding, cringing, or in disbelief
🙉Hear-No-Evil Monkey Disbelief over what you are hearing.
🙊Speak-No-Evil Mischievous oopsie or a secret.
🙏Person with Folded HandsPrayer, thank you, and sometimes a high five
👍Thumbs Up SignWell done, good job, or approval
👏Clapping Hands SignRound of applause in celebration
👌OK Hand SignOkay or correct
💪Flexed BicepsStrength or fitness
🤞Crossed FingersWishing luck
👉Backhand Index Pointing rightPointing to the right
👈Backhand Index Pointing LeftPointing to the left
👇Backhand Index Pointing DownPointing down
✌️Victory HandPeace or success
🙌Person Raising Both Hands in CelebrationCelebrating with hands in the air
👀EyesShifty or sneaky, sometimes flirtatious
❤️Red HeartLove (red by default, but meaning is same for any color)
💗Growing HeartLove or increasing affection
❣️Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark OrnamentEmphasized love
💕Two HeartsLove is in the air
💖Sparkling HeartExtra special love, sometimes playful
💓Beating HeartLove
💞Revolving HeartsA whirlwind of love
💜Purple HeartLove
💙Blue HeartLove
🖤Black HeartLove or sorrow
💚Green HeartLove
♥️Heart SuitLove
💔Broken HeartGrief, loss, or longing
🌹RoseRomance or to be used on a special occasion
🎂Birthday CakeCelebration
🎁Wrapped GiftCelebration or surprise
🎉Party PopperCelebration or congratulations
🔥FireHot or excellent
🍑PeachEmoji can be used to compliment someone’s tush if they are sending a flirty message.
🍆Eggplant The eggplant symbol is used to describe the vegetable but has a more suggestive meaning due to its phallic appearance.
SparklesPositive, happy, or celebration
💯Hundred Points Symbol100 percent approval
🎈BalloonCelebration or congratulations
💭Thought BalloonThinking or dreams.
💡Light Bulb Light bulb symbol can be used to indicate a brilliant idea, knowledge, or breakthrough.
💐BouquetAppreciation or happiness
💋Kiss MarkA seductive kiss
💀SkullDeath or an extreme reaction to something
☠️Skull and CrossbonesDeath, misfortune, fear, angst, and negativity.
🌸Cherry BlossomLove or to be used on a special occasion
🎶Multiple Musical NotesThree eighth notes, for singing or music
🎊Confetti BallCelebration or congratulations
☀️SunSunny, warm, or hot
💰Money BagMoney or wealth
👑CrownRoyalty, success, or praise
💥CollisionExplosion, surprise, or excitement
💩Pile of Poobathroom issues, bad, or silliness
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